There are some methods to overcome pos-traumatic syndrome :
- deep breathe exercise; remembering the event while taking deep breathes. It can be done until the anxiety is disappeared although still remembering the traumatic event.
- Separated mind: patient trained to separate mental disturbance due to trauma with anxiety ( which is occurred after it ).
- EMDR ( Eye Movement Desensitization resproccesing )
Patients who have suffered for years from anxiety or distressing memories, nightmares, insomnia, abuse or other traumatic events can now gain relief from a revolutionary new therapy called EMDR ( Eye Movement Desensitization resproccesing ). Research shows that EMDR is rapid, safe and effective. It will improve the flow of irreguler neurotransmitter in order to give balancing.
4. Relaxation by exercising yoga, etc. to create relaxing situation.
5. talking about positive things;
- Taking lesson learnt
- Feeling lucky to have the experience
6. Improve relationship with other people; sharing, ventilate thought and feelings to others
can reduce pain
7. Sharing experience with peers: how to survive and adapt with the catastrophe
8. Special psychosocial intervention
- Trauma counseling
- Grieve counseling
- Anticipation counseling
- Crisis counseling
- Counseling to solve problem
9. Taking medication as suggested by doctor as prescribed
4. Relaxation by exercising yoga, etc. to create relaxing situation.
5. talking about positive things;
- Taking lesson learnt
- Feeling lucky to have the experience
6. Improve relationship with other people; sharing, ventilate thought and feelings to others
can reduce pain
7. Sharing experience with peers: how to survive and adapt with the catastrophe
8. Special psychosocial intervention
- Trauma counseling
- Grieve counseling
- Anticipation counseling
- Crisis counseling
- Counseling to solve problem
9. Taking medication as suggested by doctor as prescribed